Once again, giving thanks this Thanksgiving for family, friends, loyal Tellyspotting readers, good health and MiniBoots, in addition to ‘The Prisoner’ and ‘Monty Python’s Flying Circus’’

In addition to stopping for a moment to be eternally thankful for family, friends, avid and first-time Tellyspotting readers, good health and our cat, MiniBoots, no Thanksgiving would be complete without recognizing the contributions made by two classic British series in not only setting me on a lifelong desire of wanting to consume all things British when […]

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‘The Prisoner’ turns 50!

Perhaps the greatest television series of all-time (sorry, it’s not Downton Abbey) turned 50! late last month. The Prisoner is made up of 17 hours of  pure television greatness running on ITV in the UK from 29 September 1967 through 1 February 1968. Patrick McGoohan, who co-created, co-wrote, co-directed, co-executive produced and starred in the series as Number […]

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Ridley Scott rumored to direct big screen treatment of ‘The Prisoner’!

The Prisoner, the most mentally-brilliant television series on Planet Earth, could be headed for a feature film version of the 1960s British TV classic. According to Deadline Hollywood, Ridley Scott (Alien, Prometheus, Blade Runner, The Martian) is ‘in negotiations’ to direct the forthcoming big screen adaptation. Scott is set to begin work on Alien: Covenant in the not-too-distant future […]

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Festival No. 6 – A fest like no other in a place like no other

In the UK and looking for something to do in a couple of weeks? Gotcha covered. The Prisoner, the series about a spy who resigns his top secret government position only to wake up in a mysterious village from which there is no escape, has intrigued viewers the world over and has managed to turn […]

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