Once again, giving thanks this Thanksgiving for family, friends, loyal Tellyspotting readers, good health and MiniBoots, in addition to ‘The Prisoner’ and ‘Monty Python’s Flying Circus’’

In addition to stopping for a moment to be eternally thankful for family, friends, avid and first-time Tellyspotting readers, good health and our cat, MiniBoots, no Thanksgiving would be complete without recognizing the contributions made by two classic British series in not only setting me on a lifelong desire of wanting to consume all things British when […]

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A British comedy world w/out Python?

One can only imagine, if even only for a brief moment, what our available British comedy viewing choices would be today had the BBC acted on their early feelings regarding Monty Python’s Flying Circus. According to this article in theTelegraph, documents obtained last year under the Freedom of Information Act revealed that BBC management found […]

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