Bodyguard’s Keeley Hawes returns to MI5 in Channel 4’s period spy drama ‘Traitors’

Venturing into Nicola Walker territory in my book, the greatness that is Keeley Hawes returns next month in a new spy drama from Channel 4, Traitors. The former Spooks, Ashes to Ashes, Durrells in Corfu, Upstairs Downstairs, Line of Duty, Bodyguard star will play Priscilla, a woman working as a member of the Civil Service following the Labour Party’s […]

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Ruth Wilson to star as her own grandmother in ‘Mrs Wilson’ for PBS Masterpiece

Golden Globe-winning actress Ruth Wilson, best known for her brilliant portrayal as research scientist/highly intelligent sociopath Alice Morgan in the psychological drama, Luther, returns to PBS Masterpiece in a very personal sort of three-part drama, one based on her own grandmother’s memoir about her life and their complicated family history. Wilson was last seen on Masterpiece over a decade ago in […]

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‘Victoria’ – Series 2 First look!

While it’s a bit of a belated celebration of Victoria Day (Monday, 22 May), the anniversary of Queen Victoria’s birthday, the producers of the critically-acclaimed British drama from ITV have released the long-awaited first video trailer showing what audiences can expect when Jenna Coleman and Tom Hughes return to ITV later this year for series […]

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‘The Durrells’ are packed and headed to PBS this Fall

One of the brightest spots in the drama category at the BBC Showcase in Liverpool earlier this year was The Durrells. Based on ‘The Corfu Trilogy’, three autobiographical novels (which include ‘My Family and Other Animals’) by environmentalist Gerald Durrell, The Durrells is set on the Greek Island of Corfu in 1935, and follows the adventures of Gerald […]

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On a collision course with ITV’s ‘Downton Abbey’, a steamier ‘Lady Chatterley’s Lover’ heads to BBC One this Fall

In the endless broadcaster search to uncover anything that might find an audience up against the final series of ITV’s Downton Abbey, the BBC will be upping its steamy quotient hoping to capitalize on Poldark-mania with a new television adaptation of D.H. Lawrence’s Lady Chatterley’s Lover this September. While some critics have already jumped on […]

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‘Jericho’ with Call the Midwife’s Jessica Raine set to be the next ‘next Downton Abbey’

It seems like ever since that little British period drama we call Downton Abbey decided to call it a day after the upcoming sixth series, every series pitch, every series commission, every subsequent press announcement starts out by billing the proposed series as, “…the next Downton Abbey“. The most recent drama that has been tagged as the […]

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The doors of ‘Mr. Selfridge’ to remain open for a 4th series!

With American audiences ever so close to the return of Mr. Selfridge for the third series as part of PBS’ Masterpiece series, ITV has announced that the series will return for a fourth season in 2016! Ten new episodes have been commissioned with Jeremy Piven returning as the colorful but deeply troubled Harry Gordon Selfridge […]

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