Just in case you’re in the market for a used Mini Moke with TV experience…

If you happen to have recently lost out on acquiring The Blackadder Pub, the 1972 Reliant Regal Supervan III used in Only Fools and Horses, the original Fallen Madonna with the Big B**bies painting from ‘Allo ‘Allo, a rare 1966 Dalek or Dibley Manor from Vicar of Dibley, there’s still hope that you can own a piece of British telly history as one of two […]

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Jenna Coleman signs on for ‘The War Rooms’

Much like I have come to believe David Tennant is the hardest working British actor on the male side, I’m now convinced that Jenna Coleman holds that distinction on the female side. Coleman became a household name back in 2012 as Matt Smith’s traveling companion, Clara Oswald, in Doctor Who following an early soap stint on Emmerdale and the […]

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Anthony Horowitz talks ‘Moonflower Murders’ and much more for DMA Arts & Letters Live

The brilliant mind palace of New York Times best-selling author Anthony Horowitz is hard at work, once again, with the forthcoming release of Moonflower Murders. The masterful sequel to his worldwide bestseller Magpie Murders, once again, features Susan Ryeland, who is retired from her publishing career and running a small hotel on a Greek island. That mind palace will be on full […]

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Doctor Who returns as the TARDIS is set to land on New Year’s Day!

Given the fact that you have Jodie Whittaker all decked out in a tuxedo introducing herself as “The name’s Doctor…The Doctor”, the return of series 12 of Doctor Who appears to be a James Bond-inspired story complete with the brilliant Stephen Fry’s M equivalent telling his new friends, “the security of this entire planet is at stake.”

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R.I.P. Willow – The Queen’s last Royal Corgi passes at 14.

Willow, the last in a long line of royal corgis died earlier this week after a lengthy battle with a cancer-related illness. Willow’s passing signals the end of the monarch’s long-standing tradition and marks the first time Her Majesty has not had a corgi in her household since World War II. At 91, The Queen is […]

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Scattershooting while putting a few rumors to bed….

Don’t get me wrong, the Internets can be a wonderful place to mindlessly lose yourself tracking down little known or cared about facts that will amaze your friends at parties. It can, however, be a breeding ground for endless rumors when it comes to your favorite television series whether it’s possible storylines, suggested plots, casting […]

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