Strictly Come Downton Abbey

Full credit to Ian Wylie, London-based freelance journalist with a particular interest and acute knowledge of all-things television, for the brilliant headline, photos and accompanying story. As we recently learned, one of the Downton traditions on Christmas Day is that the staff is traditionally given the day off and Lord Grantham (Hugh Bonneville) takes charge […]

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London Twenty Twelve…365 days and counting

Today marks, officially, 365 days and counting until the opening ceremonies of the 2012 Olympics where the eyes of the world will be on London for the Games of the XXXth Olympiad. I know, where does the time go. While everything looks like smooth sailing on the outside, it does so for a reason. There are […]

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Feeling a bit down? You might have Downton Abbey Effect.

Not to worry. You’re not alone after all. And, there’s actually a medical term for what you thought was just a simple case of separation anxiety or withdrawal. You, along with countless others, suffer from Downton Abbey Effect. Symptoms seem to center around a sense of loss or, in some cases, distress that is  comparable to […]

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Dateline: London, Twenty Twelve from BBC Four

Having just lived through a city that was home to Super Bowl XLV, it became painstakingly clear all the efforts that went in to not only securing the winning bid some four years ago but, then, the subsequent preparation leading up to, oh yeah, the actual game. One can only imagine what goes in to […]

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On the set with Downton Abbey II

For those still suffering from post-Downton Abbey separation anxiety, you can rest easier tonight knowing that production filming has begun on the second set of the ITV mega-hit series, which is, again, scripted by series creator, Julian Fellowes. Don’t just take my word for it. This comes from the Earl of Grantham, himself, portrayed brilliantly […]

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Downton Abbey separation anxiety yet?

Downton Abbey has come and gone. Seems like it was just yesterday that Lady Grantham came into our respective lives. It’s ok to feel a bit sad over losing a friend you just made some four weeks ago. Rest assured, she’ll be back, better than ever, before you know it. As we mentioned recently, series […]

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British comedy scattershooting on a Monday….

Survived the first snowstorm of 2011, a whopping 2 inches (insert laughter from Colorado readers here) after all was said and done. Time for a periodic look around the horn at what’s happening in the world of British comedy, British television and the actors/actresses you’ve come to know and love over the years. Can’t save […]

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Downton Abbey opens its doors tonight on PBS

Finally, it’s zero hour in the US. Downton Abbey premieres tonight as part of the new season of Masterpiece on PBS. Both critically acclaimed and a huge audience hit when broadcast this past Fall on ITV, this is definitely television worth watching. According to Simon Heffer of the Telegraph, the authenticity and visual detail makes […]

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Downton Abbey v. Upstairs Downstairs – UFC, UK style

It’s been a long time since there has been a good television war of words. Far too long. One has to go all the way back to the 1980’s to remember the Dallas vs. Dynasty smackdown,  but that’s all I can think of. Enter 2011 and we have Downton Abbey vs. Upstairs Downstairs. In one corner, […]

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