On a collision course with ITV’s ‘Downton Abbey’, a steamier ‘Lady Chatterley’s Lover’ heads to BBC One this Fall

In the endless broadcaster search to uncover anything that might find an audience up against the final series of ITV’s Downton Abbey, the BBC will be upping its steamy quotient hoping to capitalize on Poldark-mania with a new television adaptation of D.H. Lawrence’s Lady Chatterley’s Lover this September. While some critics have already jumped on […]

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From the Dept of American re-makes…could ‘All Creatures’ be up next?

Could one of the biggest shows on UK television during its prime that isn’t named Upstairs Downstairs find its’ way to American television in the not-too-distant future? The next brilliant British series with a target on its back for a possible re-boot, All Creatures Great and Small is based on the books of the British veterinary surgeon, Alf Wight, who […]

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The British Invasion of the 67th Emmy Awards continues in 2015!

It’s that time of year again. No, it’s not time for the return of Downton Abbey, Sherlock or Doctor Who. Not just yet, anyway. It’s American Emmy Awards time. The time to recognize excellence in American television for 2015. As usual, there are a healthy number of Brits that share their time and talents with […]

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Comic-Con 2015 gives us first look at ‘Doctor Who 9’

With the opportunity to hit two home runs in one inning, Comic-Con International 2015 in San Diego did not disappoint the crowd on hand. On the heels of yesterdays release of the first trailer for the forthcoming Sherlock one-off special comes the first trailer for Doctor Who 9 which will premiere Saturday, 19 September on […]

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‘7 Days in Hell’ up next for ‘Game of Thrones’ Kit Harington

Still sporting his Jon Snow long-hair and beard, Kit Harington made his first post-Game of Thrones appearance last week at The Championships at Wimbledon, immediately setting the Internets hair on fire. While it may be small hope, there is hope, nonetheless, that Harington’s character, Jon Snow, might reappear after being left to die in the cold at the […]

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For those keeping score, it’s drama overload on PBS this Fall

With Poldark (June 21 at 9:00p ET / 8:00p CT), Crimson Field (Sunday, June 21 at 10:00p ET / 9:00p CT) and Last Tango in Halifax (Sunday, June 28 at 8:00p ET / 7:00p CT) just around the PBS corner, you’d think this would be enough to keep your mind off the fact that we still have 6 months until the […]

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‘Dickensian’ epic headed to BBC1

Borrowing a page from the Penny Dreadful playbook, Dickensian will bring together the likes of Mrs Bumble and Fagin from Oliver Twist, Scrooge, Miss Havisham and and a host of others from the world of Charles Dickens to live side-by-side in 19th century Victorian London for an ‘epic’ 20-part series set to air later this year on BBC1. Dickensian, […]

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