Sherlock star tapped as the 'fifth Beatle'

Benedict Cumberbatch, the star of the BBC/PBS Sherlock has done the best male imitation of Annie Carnes in Oklahoma. He just can’t say no. I only say selfishly because the more Benedict’s star keeps rising and the more he says yes to projects such as The Hobbit, Star Trek, War Horse, Parades End and Tinker Tailor, the longer we have to […]

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Graham Chapman's beyond the grave biopic – Monty Python style

In true Monty Python style, the upcoming self-described ‘animation epic’, A Liar’s Autobiography: The Untrue Story of Monty Python’s Graham Chapman, tells the story of (surprise) Graham Chapman, probably best remembered as ‘the dead one from Monty Python’. Described in the Hollywood Reporter as unorthodox, freewheeling and, by fellow Python member John Cleese as a […]

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Festival No. 6 – A fest like no other in a place like no other

In the UK and looking for something to do in a couple of weeks? Gotcha covered. The Prisoner, the series about a spy who resigns his top secret government position only to wake up in a mysterious village from which there is no escape, has intrigued viewers the world over and has managed to turn […]

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Happy 70th, Sir Paul

Over the next several months, there will be lots of momentous anniversaries that will carry a lot of weight with countless Beatles fans worldwide. Starting with today, Sir Paul McCartney turns 70. This may be a bit hard to digest for millions of fans that remember as if it was ‘yesterday’ that on Sunday, 9 […]

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Morcambe and Wise – comedy duo brilliance

As comedy duos in the world of British comedy go, historically, most U.S. viewers are only familiar with the more recent juggernauts of Fry and Laurie or French and Saunders. As is particularly the case in the UK, comedy duos are not unfamiliar to U.S. audiences given the success of Martin & Lewis, Laurel & […]

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R.I.P. Davy Jones

Manchester born, Davy Jones, died Wednesday in Florida of an apparent heart attack at the age of 66. Many of us remember Jones as the British front man for The Monkees, the American Beatles alternative band put together in 1965 for a television series following the 1964 release of the Beatles’ Hard Day’s Night feature […]

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Beatles, comedy, drama and more – BBC Showcase – day one

Any pre-conceived impressions of Liverpool that I had prior to arriving yesterday at Liverpool Lime Street train station were completely blown away today by spending a bit of time talking to residents of all ages about their city. I have never met a collective group of people that are more proud of their city than […]

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With Doctor Who 50th plans underway, will they include Matt Smith?

Must have been something in the water in 1963. Obviously, the most monumental was the assassination of President John F. Kennedy on November 22. Other notable events included the closing of Alcatraz, the Great Train Robbery took place in the UK, Martin Luther King delivered his I Have a Dream speech, the Beatles released their […]

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The Blackadder Five – Could it Be?… or, Let it Be?

10 reasons why a Blackadder return makes sense Already one of the most classic British comedies of all-time, a Blackadder V return would be an instant audience hit after finishing second in the Britain’s Best Sitcom balloting several years ago. Principle actors have, for some time, expressed interest in being a part of a Blackadder […]

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LENNONYC – tonight on PBS

Following the break-up of the Beatles, John Lennon left for New York with Yoko Ono to escape. Escape from years of Beatlemania, the death of Brian Epstein and a rapidly deteriorating home life. In a sense, Lennon was growing up. In the midst of a creative transformation. Lennon definitely grew up as his New York […]

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